Find things quickly using your smartPhone and StickNFind - cool new inventions


Do you fell tired searching for things daily? your keys, remote control devices or even your pets ?

We introduce you to this invention which will turn this job of searching for things very easy, StickNFind.

How does StickNFind invention work ?

Step 1 : Stick the device on the thing you wanna keep track of its place.

Step 2 : Run the app on your smart phone and turn the search on for the sticker on the thing you want.

Step 3 : The application starts searching and if it find the thing it alerts you, you can also search as you are walking to scan wide areas.

What if i want more stickers ?

You can buy any amount of stickers via the stickNfind website with free shipping!

What colors available for those stickers?

A wide range of colors, see the following image.

Can i see it working ?

There is a commercial ad for StickNFind on Youtube, i brought it here to explain more clearly.

All images and videos are from the official website of StickNFind .


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